Book Review : The Illustrator’s Guide

The Illustrator's Guide Cover from Amazon

There’s a fair amount of books about illustration out there. That’s partially why I wanted to take the time to review them, to weed out the ones that aren’t worth your time and money. Something you don't have much of when just starting in illustration. While I’ve not gotten to review them all here yet, I have quite a collection of books on illustration. That being said this book in particular is the best book I’ve seen yet when it comes to learning about becoming a freelance illustrator. James Huges’ The Illustrators Guide: How to create an exceptional freelance career, is a must-have for self-taught and degree illustrators alike.

What’s in The Book?

James breaks down how to start building your career as an illustrator starting with your mindset and attitude. He walks you through creating a strategic portfolio targeted at the clients you want to attract. How important it is to keep up your practice, to continuously develop who you are as an illustrator and the importance of feedback from industry professionals. Don’t know how to get feedback from professionals? Don’t worry James tells you how. James also goes in-depth on how to find illustration clients, the process of working with them and how to handle client briefs. The book also covers important information like handling money, contracts, negotiation and legal terminology. If you’ve seen my other posts you know this is something I’m a big advocate for. There is also a section on a topic I’m sure many of you will be interested in, Illustration agents. What agents can do for you, how to get one and what it's like to work with them. 

How Easy is it to Read?

The book is written in a way which is easy to understand and James is good at explaining different concepts to the reader. Each chapter has a nice bullet-point list of the key things learned in said chapter. Which is nice when trying to find information but can’t remember what chapter it was in. James also puts exercises throughout the book so you can put his strategies into practice very easily. The back of the book also includes an extensive resources section where he lists other books, podcasts, learning platforms, blogs, YouTube channels and even Illustration agencies that would be useful to a new illustrator.

Do I Recommend it?

The Illustrator’s Guide is the one-stop shop for all you need to know when starting in the illustration industry. Each page is packed with information, tips, and strategies to help you become an amazing illustrator. You can find James’ book on Amazon and I highly suggest looking at his YouTube channel, also called The Illustrator’s Guide, where he posts weekly videos about the business of illustration.


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